Pioneer Church
in Eagleville, Surprise Valley California

Eagleville Pioneer Church was built in the 1860 - 1870s, in the beginning years of the white man's settlement. The town is even smaller than Cedarville but possesses its own charm. It had been several years since we'd been there, so it came as quite a surprise that an old barn was well onto the way to being renovated into a home. Another potential dwelling, an old pioneer home, was also being restored. As we learned from a woman we spoke to on the street, the foundation and the windows had been replaced. I didn't think of it when she said this about the windows, but had the house sat empty for a time and were the windows broken? They were not broken the last time we'd been here. Indeed, we'd liked the house and had taken a photograph. Talking to her, we were happy to learn it was to be restored to its former grandeur.

barrel springs surprise valley back country byway in northeastern california and western nevada, shadowed by the glory of the south warners, mountains, and the south warner wilderness in the modoc national forest of california

Although these little subtleties are special, contributing to a unique charm, Eagleville has little more to offer. When we'd been through before the town had had a little store, but that was gone now. Yet, Eagleville still boasted a post office, and when I think of the cuts the postal service has been considering, I found that surprising. Or at least it probably would be if not for the attitude of the US Congress took towards rural closures. For myself, I'd say that the greatest recommendation Eagleville has to offer is the access to Emerson Creek in the south Warner Wilderness, for the turnoff is but a couple of miles south of town. Even so, I like the sleepy ambience, as well as the whispers of the past that infuse everything. :-)

A bit of important information: When thinking of exploring in the Warner Wilderness, the Forest Service follows a proscription in the south Warner Wilderness that allows lightning struck fires to burn. It goes without saying, but if you happen to be in the wilderness if this happens, get out.

Protect our National Forests and Wilderness Areas. Leave NO Trace!

barrel springs surprise valley back country byway in northeastern california, shadowed by the glory of the south warners, mountains, and the south warner wilderness in the modoc national forest of california

Forward ~ It's dusk and sunlight illuminates Emerson Peak driving to Emerson Campground in the South Warner Wilderness.

Back ~ Warner Mountain Weavers.

USFS: Modoc National Forest in California. Want to hike? South Warner Wilderness of the Warner Mountains.

Directions to Emerson Creek Campground and hiking trails into the South Warner Wilderness.

Explore Surprise Valley and the Warner Mountains: Directions, Map & Scenery: Mountains, hot springs, wildlife viewing, south Warner Wilderness Area, hiking trails and more.

Travel Oregon and northern California while staying at Gathering Light ... a retreat
located near Crater Lake National Park in southern Oregon.

Travel to Gathering Light ... a retreat via the Shasta Trinity area of northern California: Directions, Map & Scenery.

Directions to and Day Trips in either California or Oregon of around 100 miles from the retreat.

Little known Scenic Places near Crater Lake National Park and the retreat: opportunities to explore, photograph: hiking, sightseeing, wildlife viewing, birding, and more: Directions Map and Scenery.

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cabins on the river at gathering light ... a retreat near crater lake national park in southern oregon: cabins, treehouses on the river in the forest.

Contact Brad at Gathering Light ... a retreat.

Wildflowers bloom in profusion at Eagle Ridge Wetlands (pictured above), one of the many birding trails in Klamath Basin not far from Gathering Light ... a retreat. Rustic simplicity, a place to "Just Be", Gathering Light is nestled on the banks of the river, surrounded by the Fremont Winema National Forest of Oregon and not far from Crater Lake National Park.