Local Demographics:

tree houses, treehouses, the cottage, cabins on the river in the forest at the retreat, a retreat for nature lovers, a retreat for writers and artists, for lovers and honeymooners and a peaceful, personal spiritual retreat. Offering private, studio cabins, treehouses, vacation rentals, group and family lodging, the retreat is located in southern oregon near crater lake national park.

Elevation: 4200'

Average Annual Precipitation: 13">

Principle Industries: Forest Products, Ranching,
Farming, Retirement, Tourism & High Tech opportunities; diversification on the increase.

Principle Land Ownership: National Forests Primarily.

Chiloquin Population: 750; approximately half the population is Native American

Normal Seasonal Temperatures: Daily highs: May: 60s, with showers, June: 70s with occasional showers, July & August: 80 to 90s, sunny with occasional thunderstorms, September: 70s, October: 60s to 70s with occasional showers. Nightly Lows: May: 40 to 50. June in the 50s. July & August: 60s. September 40s to 30s. Autumn at the River Front Retreat Gathering Area 30s to 20s.

Normal mid-winter highs: 50s, normal mid-winter lows in the teens. Normal winter snowfalls: Occasionally a few inches beginning around December with steady accumulation through February.


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Gathering Light ... a retreat